Your product WORKS!!”…actually does what it says…
Alright, I’ve had my rollerfeeder for almost 4 weeks now. I have quite a few grey squirrels as well as a red squirrel. NONE, even the small red squirrel, have been able to beat this feeder!!! The red squirrel has tried a few times, but can never get to the seed. The greys have tried as well, and every now and then, they do try again, but still, they cannot get to the seed! I caught one grey squirrel one morning, hanging onto the metal bars upside-down, ferociously biting the metal bars because he was soooo frustrated!! I have to admit, that I am beaming with pride at beating these guys – lol!! I especially love that I don’t need to
purchase any other “anti-squirrel” stuff like baffles and what-not.
I have my feeder in a tamarack tree. There is a branch below it, about 11/2 to 2 feet from the bottom of the feeder. The squirrels have attempted to jump up to the feeder from that branch below it, but to no avail!! Haha!!
Thank YOU for making such a nice-looking product that actually does what it says it does!!! And why haven’t I heard of this product before?!?! This should be in EVERY store!!! I found your website by chance, by searching on Google. I plan on getting a suet feeder at some point too.
Well worth EVERY cent!!
Sharon – North Granby Connecticut