I tried everything before…nothing worked

Hello, I wanted to tell you that I love my RollerFeeders. I ordered two in late August – RF2 and RF2 Suet. I live in Northeastern PA and was constantly battling with the squirrels in my yard because I live in the woods. I tried everything before, buckets over the posts, milk jugs over the poles, baffles, nothing worked. I was going thru birdseed, suet, and sunflower seeds like there was no tomorrow. It’s been about 2 months since I’ve installed my feeders and the squirrel population has greatly diminished, I think they gave up. They now have to eat what’s been dropped on the ground. It did take the woodpeckers a while to get used to the feeder, but now they love it. I only fill the sunflower seed feeder about every 3-4 days, and the suet has not emptied yet. I can’t thank you enough for this great product. I am now thinking about purchasing a feeder for regular seed, the cost I am saving in food has more than paid for these wonderful feeders. Carol from Nicholson PA

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